We are proud to be recognised as a PSHE friendly school.
PSHE Friendly outlines best practice in:
- personal, social and health and economic (PSHE) education
- relationships, sex and health education (RSHE)
This is recognition for our commitment to:
- providing high quality, regular and age appropriate PSHE and RSHE to improve health and wellbeing outcomes for pupils
- delivering a curriculum that meets the needs of the pupils and school community whilst meeting the statutory guidance.
- embedding a whole school approach to PSHE and the wider curriculum
Our school has demonstrated that we:
- meet the statutory guidance in relation to the curriculum
- use pupil voice to ensure that the curriculum is needs led
- have invested in leadership and training
- have a clear vision/action for the future
- have reached good or outstanding in each of the ten strands of the PSHE theme on the School Health Check - self-validated PSHE Friendly status
- have a successful visit to externally validate your PSHE Friendly status.