Bracken Edge Primary School

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Newton Road, Leeds, West Yorkshire LS7 4HE

0113 2623335

Bracken Edge Primary School

Belong Enjoy Persevere Succeed

Home School Agreement

Here at Bracken Edge, we believe that education is a partnership between home and school with everyone having a part to play in ensuring the best possible outcomes for our children. Because of this we ask everyone involved to sign the home/school agreement, detailed below.

Welcome booklet



  • Ensure your child’s physical and social well being during the statutory school day (8:45-3:15)* , and at all times endeavour to foster feelings of confidence, self-worth and belonging.
  • Deliver a balanced and carefully planned curriculum which meets the needs of your individual child.
  • Provide a range of after school extracurricular activities designed to enrich your child’s experience.
  • Ensure that all homework tasks are given regularly on an agreed day, and that they reflect your child’s learning needs.
  • Actively welcome parents/carers into the life of the school and  ensure that teaching staff are always available, by mutual arrangement, to discuss any concerns you might have about your child’s progress or general welfare.
  • Keep you informed about the school’s policies and guidelines on behaviour and equal opportunities, other general school matters and about your child’s progress in particular
  • Ensure that all teaching staff keep up to date on  important educational developments and initiatives which might affect your child, and to inform you of these at given meetings where appropriate.

*Please note that although we usually have staff present on the playground from 8:45,  your child remains your responsibility until 08:45.



  • · Ensure our child attends school every day, in uniform, on time and with all the equipment they need

  •  Let school know about any changes which might affect our child’s learning or behaviour

  • Encourage our child to always to their best

  • Support our child with reading, spellings, mental maths and other home ;learning activities

  • Encourage our child to join during and after school clubs which interest them

  • Attend parent consultations and discussions on our child’s progress

  • Support school policies and rules, especially those on behaviour

  • Read all school letters and website and reply if necessary

  • Support school events and celebrations

  • Work in partnership with the school

  • Not approach someone else’s child or another parent in order to discuss or chastise them because of their  actions  towards their own child.


I agree to:

  • Always try to remember to be polite and thoughtful towards others. (Belong)

  • Always try to enjoy school and help other children do the same. (Enjoy)

  • Try again if I don’t get things right first time. (Persevere)

  • Always try to do my best in my lessons. (Succeed)

Follow the school rules. 

  • Ready
  • Respectful


  • Safe