Bracken Edge Primary School

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Newton Road, Leeds, West Yorkshire LS7 4HE

0113 2623335

Bracken Edge Primary School

Belong Enjoy Persevere Succeed

Remote Learning

Here is a copy of our remote learning plan.

This is an update for February 2021   we have evaluated the plan so far and have identified successes and key next steps.

 On this section of the website, we have gathered high quality resources to help your child continue learning at home.

If you hover over the REMOTE LEARNING WEBSITES tab on the left, different providers and resources will appear.


School staff are posting learning for your child on a daily basis. This can be found by visiting the CLASS PAGES or LEARN section. 


To visit the LEARN pages, please click here.

Comments from parents and carers

"I am really impressed and thankful for all the hard work that has clearly gone into the online work. I have 3 children and they have all enjoyed seeing teachers on screen and doing the online work,  the website is great and accessible."

"Thank you so much for all you are doing, we know times are tough but you make the effort to provide paper packs and there are videos as well-thank you."

"Every week the offer has got better and better, my son really has a structure now and I can help him-many thanks".

"Thank you for being open, my two daughters love coming to school and I can work at the hospital.  They feel safe and know that you all care for them very much."

"We really need the weekly food parcels and you deliver them for us with a big smile, thank you, I don't know how we would manage without your support."

"The laptop has been a life line and you are always available on the phone, my children are loving the videos and the work packs.  Whatever we ask for you get or help us with.  Thanks"

"Thank you, thank you and thank you again we can see how things are changing for the better and my daughter and son are so much happier.  They enjoy their learning now"

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